Mental health recovery : Definition & Components
Mental health hospitalization ... Although there are many perceptions and definitions of recovery, William Anthony, Director of the Boston Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation seems to have developed the cornerstone definition of mental health recovery. Anthony (1993) identifies recovery as " a deeply personal, unique process of changing one’s skills, attitudes, feelings, values, goals and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, contributing, and hopeful life even with limitations caused by the illness. Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness. So we must Mental health recovery.
Ultimately, because recovery is a personal and unique process, everyone with a psychiatric illness develops his or her own definition of recovery. However, certain concepts or factors are common to recovery. Some of these are listed below.
More recently, "SAMHSA" released a consensus statement outlining 10 fundamental mental health recovery, which can be viewed here.
- Education / Knowledge
In order to maximize recovery health, it is important to learn as much as possible about our illnesses, medications, best treatment practices and available resources. It’s also important to learn about ourselves, including our symptoms so that we can gain better control over our illnesses.
Consumers can educate themselves by speaking with health care professionals, attending workshops and support groups, reading books, articles and newsletters, browsing the internet and participating in discussion groups.
- Hope
Hope is a desire accompanied by confident expectation. Having a sense of hope is the foundation for ongoing recovery from mental illness. Even the smallest belief that we can get better, as others have, can fuel the recovery process.
Early in the recovery process, it is possible for a treatment provider, friend, and/or family member to carry hope for a consumer. At some point, however, consumers must develop and internalize their own sense of hope.
Early in the recovery process, it is possible for a treatment provider, friend, and/or family member to carry hope for a consumer. At some point, however, consumers must develop and internalize their own sense of hope.
- Medication/Treatment
While many people are frustrated by the process of finding the right medications and the side effects of medications, most persons with a psychiatric disorder indicate that medications are critical to their success (Sullivan, 1997). For many, the goal is not to be medication-free, but to take the least amount necessary.
Likewise, mental health consumers often report that mental health professionals and treatment programs are valuable to their recovery. Especially when consumers feel they are engaged in a partnership with their treatment provider and are involved in their treatment planning.
Likewise, mental health consumers often report that mental health professionals and treatment programs are valuable to their recovery. Especially when consumers feel they are engaged in a partnership with their treatment provider and are involved in their treatment planning.
- Empowerment
Empowerment is the belief that one has power and control in their life, including their illness. Empowerment also involves taking responsibility for self and advocating for self and others. As consumers grow in their recovery journeys, they gain a greater sense of empowerment in their lives.
- Spirituality
A broad definition of spirituality is that it’s a partnership with one’s higher power. For many consumers spirituality provides hope, solace during their illness, peace and understanding and a source of social support.
- Self-help
While most consumers recognize the value of professional treatment, self-help is often viewed as the conduit to growth in recovery. Self-help can take many forms including learning to identify symptoms and take actions to counteract them, reading and learning about an illness and its treatment, learning and applying coping skills, attending support groups and developing a support system to rely on when necessary.
- Employment/Meaningful Activity
Frequently, when we meet new people, they ask "what do you do?" Whether it is fair or not, what we do shapes others' opinions of who we are. As a result, it is common for a person's identity to be significantly impacted by what they do. Likewise, what a person does influences his/her confidence, esteem, social role, values, etc. Simply put, employment/meaningful activity affords most consumers the opportunity to regain a positive identity, including a sense of purpose and value.
- Support
Support from peers, family, friends and mental health professionals is essential to recovery from mental illness. It is especially beneficial to have multiple sources of support. This not only reduces a consumer’s sense of isolation, but also increases their activity in the community, allowing them to obtain an integral role in society.
In addition to support from individuals, participation in support groups is an important tool for recovery. Consumers frequently report that being able to interact with others who understand their feelings and experiences is the most important ingredient for their recovery.
In addition to support from individuals, participation in support groups is an important tool for recovery. Consumers frequently report that being able to interact with others who understand their feelings and experiences is the most important ingredient for their recovery.